Effective TypeScript Item 9


发布于 2021


TypeScript 有两种方式可以给一个变量指定一种类型:类型声明和类型断言

interface Person {
  name: string;

const alice: Person = { name: "Alice" }; // Type is Person
const bob = { name: "Bob" } as Person; // Type is Person”


类型声明代表,某个变量被声明成了某种类型,变量的行为就应该和这种类型保持一致。类型断言表示,相比较 TypeScript 自己的类型推测,你知道的更多,你直接强制“断言”该变量就是某个类型。例子:

const alice: Person = {};
// ~~~~~ Property 'name' is missing in type '{}'
//       but required in type 'Person'
const bob = {} as Person; // No error”


const alice: Person = {
  name: "Alice",
  occupation: "TypeScript developer",
  // ~~~~~~~~~ Object literal may only specify known properties
  //           and 'occupation' does not exist in type 'Person'
const bob = {
  name: "Bob",
  occupation: "JavaScript developer",
} as Person; // No error




const people = ["alice", "bob", "jan"].map((name) => ({ name }));
// { name: string; }[]... but we want Person[]”

在上边这个例子里,people 最终的类型会是 { name: string; }[],但是我们想要的是 Person[]


const people = ["alice", "bob", "jan"].map((name) => {
  const person: Person = { name };
  return person;
}); // Type is Person[]”

// 如果不想加额外的变量,可以这样
const people = ["alice", "bob", "jan"].map((name): Person => ({ name })); // Type is Person[]

// 也可以在声明变量的时候就加上类型声明。
// 如果箭头函数是一个比较复杂的函数,或者由多个函数串行起来的情况,声明的时候加上类型声明可以提前获得函数中返回值的类型错误。
const people: Person[] = ["alice", "bob", "jan"].map(
  (name): Person => ({ name })


“当你确实比 TypeScript 的类型检查知道的更多的时候”

一个典型的例子就是 DOM 元素的情况:

document.querySelector("#myButton").addEventListener("click", (e) => {
  e.currentTarget; // Type is EventTarget
  const button = e.currentTarget as HTMLButtonElement; // 你知道这个元素是一个 button,但是 JavaScript 不知道。因为 JavaScript 不会去检查页面上的 DOM。
  button; // Type is HTMLButtonElement

当你确定,一个值绝对不是 null 的时候用:

const elNull = document.getElementById("foo"); // Type is HTMLElement | null
const el = document.getElementById("foo")!; // Type is HTMLElement

! 作为前操作符使用时,是布尔值取反,当它作为后操作符使用时,表示断言该值是非 null 的值。


interface Person {
  name: string;
const body = document.body;
const el = body as Person;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Conversion of type 'HTMLElement' to type 'Person'
//                may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently
//                overlaps with the other. If this was intentional,
//                convert the expression to 'unknown' first

错误提示告诉你,两个类型没有半毛钱关系,不能断言,它还告诉你,如果你真的真的这么想这么做,那么就先断言它是 unknown 吧。

const el = document.body as unknown as Person; // OK